Monday, March 17, 2008

"The Money Masters" - The Scourge of Civilization

Educate yourself and know your history or be doomed to repeat it. A financial crisis is on the horizon and we all need to know how and why. While we all try to carry on with our everyday lives and provide for our family's there is a sinister plot that is unfolding like the world has never seen before. You can call me a conspiracy theorist if you like but denying the truth is foolish. I urge everyone to go to the link at the end of this commentary and spend the 3.5 hours it will take to get educated on the greed of a select few that will in effect be the end of the middle class in the world.

I am sure that most everyone has heard of Central Banks and Fractional Reserve Banking. But if you have not then the best thing that you can do is learn about this scourge on civilization and how this system has conspired to take over the entire world economy. I will give you a hint, the Federal Reserve is not a United States institution but is a private institution made up of a very small elite group of very old families that have made it their goal to control world monies. Presidents, Popes, Politicians, Founding Fathers, Economist and others have warned us through out history about the dangers of this Elite and very Private group of Old Families. There is even admission and evidence that this scourge is real and very active. In case you did not know, these admissions go so far as to admit to causing wars and depressions to ensure their control over ALL World Economies.

I urge everyone to go to the link below and educate your self as to who the REAL ENEMY is. This is probably the single most important thing you could do at this point in history. There are things that we all can do to protect our families but only if you have the necessary knowledge to move forward. THIS IS NOT A JOKE, YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE DEPENDS ON EDUCATING YOURSELF.

The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Eliot Spitzer: Fool, Egomaniac or Both

Eliot Spitzer served two terms as attorney general for the state of New York. During that time he pursued civil and criminal cases that sought to crack down on misconduct and conflicts of interests on Wall Street and in corporate America. Being a previous prosecutor in the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, he handled organized and white-collar crime cases. As state attorney general, criminal prosecutions of prostitution rings and tourism involving prostitutes were pursued. Spitzer was part of investigations of an escort service in New York City that resulted in the arrest of 18 people on charges of promoting prostitution and related charges in 2004.

Just think about the arrogance and the foolishness of this man. I say foolish because he should have know that the very tactics that he used to gain prosecution against these types of activities would be used against him. I call him arrogant because of his actions that imply that he is above the law. Has his ambitions for power and wealth been blinded by his ego?

This is a major blow to "Politics" in general. I would hope that this would open the doors for more investigation of this sort. Corruption at the highest levels of the political machine and of corporate America are out of control and have been for some time. The arrogance and foolishness hopefully will mean others downfall just like Spitzer.

The time has come America to get it right and demand more transparency, integrity and statesmanship from political leaders. After all isn't it "OUR MONEY" that was potentially used in one way, shape, form or fashion.

I would urge all New Yorkers to call on the Governor to step down and do the right thing. If he doesn't then State Assemblyman James Tedisco (R-Schenectady) has stated that he will call for impeachment proceedings to begin, according to a deadline that's been imposed.

In fact Eliot Spitzer may be in deeper than just a fling with a prostitute. According to wiretap records Spitzer implied that this was not the first time he has pursued these types of activities. Usually prostitution is handled by the State. In Spiter's case the Fed's are involved because he provided the funds for interstate transportation in pursuit of his lust. These Federal charges will carry far stiffer penalties than simple State "John" charges. The biggest losers in this whole thing are his wife and 3 daughters. What shame Eliot has brought to the State and his family.

America, we need to weed out these foolish and arrogant politicians and corporate leaders and bring our country back to what the Founders intended her to be, which is above reproach. How are we to remain the "Leaders of the Free World" with "so called" Leaders like this. Let this be an example to all that hold positions of power and leadership that we are watching and we demand better behavior than this.

That reminds me of a quote from the movie Lonesome Dove when Captain Woodrow Call once stated "I hate rude behavior in a man".

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Man Made Global Warming: Fact or Fiction

Below is a link to an article that has some interesting ideas about how force the scientific, legal, environmental and media world to settle this theory once and for all.

Please link over and read this, then come back and have your say in the comments link of this entry and give your opinion. My personal opinion is: Sounds like a good idea! Something needs to be done to settle this issue and bring legal action if there is indeed some fraudulent activity going on.